Creating healing and harmony through Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a 2000 year old healing practice which looks at the patient as a whole being. The practitioner creates a diagnostic picture which synthesizes all the different problems a patient may have into a logical whole. In this medicine, diseases and symptoms are thought of as imbalances in the normal state of the body and treatment is applied with acupuncture and Chinese herbs with the goal of bringing the patient back to their normal harmonious state of balance. We believe that an enormously important part of this process is patient education concerning the causes of their illness from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective and what patients can do in their daily lives to help their treatment proceed as effectively as possible.
Acupuncture is an extremely effective method for moving energy within the body and eliminating points of blockage and stagnation. These areas of blockage cause pain or problems in the bodies normal functioning. Points on the arms legs and or torso are selected according to the patient's individual pattern and symptoms. Treatments normally last 30 minutes and patients usually find the experience to be relaxing and refreshing.
Our Practitioners
Frank Scott, Dipl. Ac. Dipl C.H.
National Board Certified in Chinese Herbology & Acupuncture
State Licensed.
Elizabeth Heinz, L.Ac., Dipl.OM., MSTOM
State Licensed Acupuncturist and
Nationally Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbology.
Suzi Katlin, DACM, L. Ac.
Board certified acupuncturist and
Chinese Medicine Herbalist.
Nicole Hohmann, MS, Dipl.OM, L.Ac. FABORM
State Licensed Acupuncturist and
National Board Certified in Oriental Medicine.
Meghan Schmit, MSTOM, Dipl.OM, L.Ac. Item
Board certified acupuncturist and
Chinese Medicine Herbalist. Read more.
Get in touch.
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